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Ein Feuerzeug in Form einer Handgranate, Kim Jong-un auf einem T-ex reitend und ein Junge mit einem Kunstwerk – das sind die drei Stickermotive, mit denen die Ergo Bandits bisher im öffentlichen Raum präsent sind, u.a. auch in Frankfurt. Da gedruckte Aufkleber selten als Einzelstück daher kommen, gibt es bei den Ergo Bandits auf Instagram und Facebook weitere Fotos davon zu sehen, und darüber hinaus auch Erläuterungen zu den Motiven.

No. 3: „Our work questions the duality between the value of something and what it means to somebody. It highlights how an object’s value depends on the person holding it. The intrinsic value of a painting sold for millions, disappears in the hands of someone who would never understand how that could’ve happened.A masterpiece that supposedly represents a savior, ironically one that is absent, which makes us question how trustworthy he really is. This means that what religion presumably has to offer doesn’t represent what it actually does offer.“ (ergo bandits, instagram)

Stickerart in Frankfurt: Ergo Bandits

No. 2: „They’re all playing with the extinction and the toys are us.“ (ergo bandits, instagram)

Stickerart in Frankfurt: Ergo Bandits

No. 1: „A lighter with the wrong intentions can be a weapon of mass crimes, driven by the greed of those who abuse those who have so little. It is not about the power of the weapon, but about the malice of the one who holds it.“ (ergo bandits, instagram)

Stickerart in Frankfurt: Ergo Bandits

Instagram-Video: Ergo Bandits – Frankfurt


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Urban Art am JUZ in Langen

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