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„Stab City“ ist ein Video über Skateboarding in Frankfurt, auf das ich über einige Plakate in den Straßen Frankfurts aufmerksam wurde. Ich habe zwar schon oft die Skater am Willy-Brandt-Platz gesehen gesehen, aber bisher noch niemanden mit dem Skateboard auf der von Ottmar Hörl geschaffenen Euro-Skulptur, so wie es in diesem Video zu sehen ist.

„Skating and the Culture of Skating is always changing. „Stab City“ is what Street Skating in Frankfurt has been like for the last 3 years. New Spots popped up. Old Spots got torn down. New People came into the Town. Good Friends moved away. In 2021 I started this Project, trying to capture the Spirit of the City, its Skaters, and how they skate in their hometown. The Scene is not that big, but everybody has their own style and personality. Compared to Music; Stab City might not be the best Album, but for sure is a diverse Mixtape for a long Ride with Friends.“ (Levent Efe)

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